
Alarm System Insurance Certificate - Save 20% on Insurance Premiums

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  • Save up-to 20% on Insurance Premiums
  • Receive by fax, email, or post office mail
  • $7.95
  • if ordered online. Order by phone: $8.95, Save $1.00 online!
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Certificate Overview
Purchase an Alarm Certificate (Insurance Certificate) now and SAVE UP TO 20% on your homeowners insurance! This Alarm Certificate is the document that is required by almost all insurance company to receive an "Alarm System Coverage" discount. It is a certified copy provided by Shield Tech Security.
If for any reason your insurance company does not provide you a discount on your homeowners insurance, just let us know and we'll provide you a full refund for the insurance certificate if we can't get the discount applied for you.
If you purchased a system from us in the past. we will verify your account and no further action is required from you.
If you purchased a system from another company, we require verification that your system is installed and working correctly before we can issue the alarm certificate.


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