
Phone Switch - Primary Phone Line to Cellular Backup

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Compatibility: Phone Line Alarms

  • Allows for Primary Landline & Cellular Backup
  • Automatic line switch when phone line is cut
  • Powered by alarm or separate power adapter
  • Uses standard RJ11 phone jacks
  • $36.95
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Adapter Overview
This device detects when your physical landline phone line is cut. When the device detects a phone line cut, (no voltage in the phone line), the device will automatically switch your alarm's landline phone connection to a backup phone line source, such as a cellular communicator or dialer.

This device is very simplex and no programming is required. Simply  connect your primary phone source (landline telephone line) to LINE 1 on  the back of the unit. Connect your secondary phone source (GSM Dialer or  Cellular Communicator) to LINE 2. Then connect your alarm system to the  TEL-OUT port. The terminal marked "Alarm" is not used in this  application and should remain an empty port.

A relay inside the device automatically switches the phone line source  from LINE 1 to LINE 2 when a phone line cut (no voltage) is detected on  LINE 1. The output to your alarm and/or house phones are always  transmitted through the TEL-OUT port.


LED Indicators

Power LED:  Indicates the device is powered on.
Low Batt LED:  Indicates the internal backup battery is low  or dead.
Ready LED:  Not used on this model.


Device Ports - Quick Overview


LINE 1:  Connect to Primary Phone Source (Landline  Telephone)

LINE 2:  Connect to Backup Phone Source (Cellular / GSM  Dialer)

TEL OUT:  Connect to Alarm System

ALARM:  Not Used in this Application


Power Options & Optional Backup Battery


OPTION 1:  By default, this device comes with a power cable that will connect to your alarm's Auxiliary 12v(+) & (-) Power Ports.

OPTION 2:  This device can be powered by an optional power adapter and backup  battery. (Sold separately as an option.)



Q: Will this device work with VOIP phone lines?
A: Yes, but it will only detect if the phone line between your alarm and VOIP phone box has been cut. It does not detect if an outside cable line feeding the VOIP phone box has been cut.

Q: When connected to VOIP, if the power goes out will this device  switch to LINE 2?
A: Yes, as long as your VOIP phone box isn't outputting any voltage during the power outage, this device will detect no voltage in LINE 1 and switch to LINE 2. When power resumes, this device will automatically switch back to LINE 1.

Q: Will this device switch to the secondary phone source (LINE 2) if  there's no dial tone on primary source (LINE 1)?
A: It depends. As long as LINE 1 has been physically cut, it will switch to LINE 2. However, if LINE 1 simply loses its dial tone and still has voltage on the line, this device will not switch to LINE 2.  LINE 1 must loose it's voltage in order for this device to switch to  LINE 2.


  • Power Source
    Powered by Alarm System, Powered by Power Adapter & Backup Battery
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